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to Mrs Oliver - 1932

It is not so good in London as at Edgerston though it is quieter. No swarms of people at tea for ins (Read More)

Category - Letters | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Oct 09, 1932

Gerrie discussing gossip surrounding Barrie and the boys.

Gerrie discussing gossip surrounding Barrie and the boys. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Nico talking about "The Lost Boys" scripts (I must have been out of earshot) ...

Nico talking about "The Lost Boys" scripts (I must have been out of earshot) ... (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Jan 01, 1978

Peter Pan was revived annually from 1905 until World War 2, when the blitz was deemed too dangerous a risk for young audiences (most of whom had been evacuated). In order to fill the gap, Jean Forbes-Robertson consented to record her 1929 performance.

Peter Pan was revived annually from 1905 until World War 2, when the blitz was deemed too dangerous (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Dec 01, 1941

Nico talks about visiting Mary Hodgson's family in Morecambe, her brother Tom introduced him to music hall - Mary Hodgson's horror

Nico talks about visiting Mary Hodgson's family in Morecambe, her brother Tom introduced him to musi (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Norma Douglas-Henry remembering Michael's death

Norma remembering that Michael's death was believed to have been suicide, and that even Barrie thoug (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Feb 01, 1978

Gerrie's reaction to Mary Hodgson's note, "Either you leave or I do" ...

Gerrie's reaction to Mary Hodgson's note, "Either you leave or I do" ... (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation - | Expected Creation - Mar 17, 1976

Nico’s classic story about Barrie giving the rights of "Peter Pan" to Great Ormond Street Hospital. According to the Hospital, parts of it should be taken with a large pinch of salt.

Nico’s classic story about Barrie giving the rights of "Peter Pan" to Great Ormond Street Hospital. (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Nico cautioning a vist to Gerrie Llewelyn Davies

Nico cautioning a vist to Gerrie Llewelyn Davies (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -

Sebastain Earl on Michael's character and alleged suicide: "The thing is too absurd for words!"

Sebastain Earl on Michael's character and alleged suicide: "The thing is too absurd for words!" (Read More)

Category - Audio | Upload Date - 10.10.2019 | Expected Creation -
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